Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Another birthday in London and visit from the parents

Hi Anna!!

Hehe.. thanks for your post! I haven't received your little package (sounds almost dirty saying it) but I'm sure it's not far from my door :)

It's strange with the time difference that I'm getting birthday greetings towards the end of my day here. Officially in Perth I suppose I'm 27!!! I can't believe it though.. my second birthday in London.Let me tell you that this year it really has crept up on me and I almost decided not to do anything about it but Benny insisted so I'm having a quiet drinks/dinner tomorrow night in a pub nearby that I always go past when I walk to the gym. I'm very annoyed that the weather has let me down today and for the rest of the week. Showers, drizzle, rain, grey miserable stuff. I know I will be so glad to get out of this atrocious weather. I was cooped up indoors today and feeling lonely after the busy bout of taking the ps aroud. It's suddenly gone awfully quiet and I'm left in my own company twiddling my thumbs, moping and doing housework :(

Adding to the misery, my dear friend Pene of Hampstead is leaving for Hong Kong in a couple of days. I can't believe that all this time I took her company for granted and her living on the same street as me in Hampstead and now we will never bump into each other again or have lazy lunches and drinks in London again. The bright side of things is that I'm sure we will meet up one day seeing that both of us will be on the same side of the world when I leave.

To my dearest Pene, safe journey and all the best! May we look back on our time in London and laugh about the good and bad that we've been through! I was going to post the photo of us at your farewell, but it was another one of those unflattering photos :(
Our last meal together was hot dogs in an American diner! haha! Fun times :)
Now let me indulge you with some photos of what my parents and I have been up to.  It's a great excuse to have them around and do some sightseeing and touristy things with them that I never got around doing.

Day trip to Oxford.

Oxford train station
Boats for punting
I think Harry Potter scenes were filmed in one of these areas

Harry Potter fans tell me, is this in the movie? I think this is Radcliffe Camera. Names of attractions are lost with me. We climbed up the steps of University Church to get a good view of the town

 They all look like possible Harry Potter locations. Sorry to disappoint, if only I'm a fanatic I could tell you.Nevertheless, all the buildings are so pretty. If only I was a smart Alec!
One of the decent photos dad took. His camera skills improved as the day progressed. Inside one of the many colleges in Oxford.

With mum in front of Carfax Tower. No we don't look alike, I look more like dad, but he has a thing for not having his photos on the www. so those who have not met my dad you will have to take my word for it.

Lunch time! Dad had a huge English breakfast and we shared a mezze platter and panini. I can't get enough hummus and falafel since Jordan!
And other photos taken in London.
Rather fond of this photo. Waiting with mum watching the guards enter the palace for changing of the guards ceremony.

Finally I get to go on the London Eye!!! Looking at the east side.

In front of Westminster Abbey
In  Chinatown. Yummiest Chinese feast I've had in  a lonnng time!
So there you go! I've been busy with my parents and also doing bits of packing here and there. I hope they are enjoying themselves on their mad 6 country 10 day tour. For now it's bed time and to say hello to a 27 year old me when I wake up! Goodnight :)

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