Wednesday, September 18, 2013

12 more days

Aw Chia!

Your posts made me smile! I had a great time walking with you at Kings Park last week.

While the rest of Perth was busy working, we chatted and enjoyed the vibrant colours of the wild flowers in the warm spring sun!

I still can't believe that Kev and I will be leaving soon. We have semi packed and are now ensuring we have everything we need for the next 6 months - travel undies, cameras, chargers, clothes for summer and clothes for a very cold winter.

I'm waiting on things to come in the mail too such as a rashie vest for the Maldives and a lifeproof iPhone case which is water, sand and snow proof. I hope they arrive before we leave.

My mind has become focused on the trip now, and so with the acting thing, I've stopped auditioning for roles. However, I still have one more speaking role to film on this coming Monday. It's for an ECU short film. I play a nursing student :) so I'm also going to have to learn the lines for that.

Last Saturday I had my first speaking role. It was pretty cool and pretty exciting. I was a little nervous because usually as an extra the camera sees you but isn't focused on you. So admittedly the first few moments were a little intimidating. However, I enjoyed every moment of it. I spoke to the director about my lines, and he said that he wanted to change them. After discussing what he wanted, the change made sense and so after that I had to really try to change my mindset as I had prepared the role with a different 'reaction' in mind.

I had 3 or 4 takes before the director got what he wanted. I wasn't used to that. I automatically started telling myself off in my head for having to have more than 1 take. But after my last take, the director said I was really good, so after hearing that I had to start telling myself to let it go and just be happy with what I had done.

So with that role and the role on Monday completed, I'll have a few speaking parts under my belt before I leave. I will have extra roles and a voice over role too. Hopefully this will give me something to show for if I have the chance to audition for something during my travels :)

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